Twitter 101

April 10, 2012

How to start a Twitter account for your department  

You will need:

  • An email account (your Twitter account will be tied to this)
  • A username (search on Twitter to make sure the username you want is not taken). This should be as short as possible and should contain 'MIT' if possible. For example, the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is @MITEECS. The Sloan School of Management is @MITSloan.
  • An image (your logo; it shows as 73 pixels wide, but I recommend uploading a larger image)


1. Register your account.

2. Write your bio. It will be limited to 160 characters. Fit in as much information as you can! If this is a department feed, include the word 'official', keywords to make your profile more searchable, and any related accounts

3. Add the department's website URL and mailing address under settings > profile

Use MIT SA+P's Twitter bio as an example: 

MIT School of Architecture + Planning(@mitsap) Official! MIT School of Architecture + Planning: Planning @mitdusp; Architecture @mitarchitecture; Media Lab @medialab; Real Estate; Art, Culture & Tech @actmit 77 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA ยท

Let people know! 

List your account on the Twitter directory - Include a link or button on your email signature, e-newsletters, website, etc. - Announce your new Twitter feed on your Facebook page or another social media account.

Posted By
Stephanie Hatch Leishman

Stephanie Hatch Leishman

Former MIT Social Media Strategist

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